Wow, I've really neglected this blog.
If you're here from Etsy then I made a Twitter for short updates of new items and crafting exploits. It'll be more regular than posts here, but not so often that you'd get spammed with tweets.
Feel free to follow us! http://twitter.com/daisytilt
I do have a personal twitter too but I fail at that almost as much as I fail at blogging. I guess I'm just a bit awkward with putting myself out there. If you're curious about me though feel free to follow that also; http://twitter.com/8ofspades
I'll try to update here more often with photos etc.

I promised I'd update with news of my mum's Etsy shop. Well it's now up and running! Go take a look; http://daisytilt.etsy.com.
She's been crafting hard so there'll be new items added soon.
You may notice it's a collaboration - I haven't had much chance to craft items to sell this year, so we figured it would be in both our interests to operate from the same shop.
Hopefully I'll have a chance over summer to make some new books & get sewing, I've just been snowed under with work recently.
I'm disappointed with the quality of the photos. I had a hard time with the quilts trying to find somewhere I could lay them out nicely which also had good lighting.
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