I want to crochet more this year. I want to finish the wheel square blanket I started last year, and worked on for 3 months before getting bored, even though now there are about 5 different crochet square blankets I'd rather be making (including the rose square blanket which is shown on Stranger Than Fiction). You can never have too many crochet blankets though, surely?
I'm afraid to say Etsy has taken to the back burner for a while. I'm still making things to sell there, but have not listed them yet. I'd rather build up a stock and put them all on at once. Christmas seems to have drained the existing stock so I reduced the prices on virtually all.
It has been so long since I last wrote here! I doubt anyone missed me, but if you did you can always check my public posts on LiveJournal.
Christmas was absolutely lovely. I stayed with my mum, it was the most relaxed I've felt in years. I got lots of lovely things;

This is my favourite sale buy for January:

(because everybody needs to take Oregano on safari.)
One of my new years resolution was to give up smoking. It is going well, however my appetite has become somewhat ridiculous.
I cannot get enough food.

creamy scrambled eggs w/peppered mushrooms & parsley

muffin topped winter beef stew
A very belated 'Happy New Year' to everyone!